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硅锰合金(SiMn)是由硅、锰、铁、少量碳和其它元素组成的合金是一种块状材料,表面呈银白色金属色。硅锰在钢中添加的作用:硅和锰对钢的性能都有重要影响。Silicon manganese alloy (SiMn)is composed of silicon,manganese,iron,little carbon and some other elements. lt is lumpy material with a silvery metallic surface. Effects of the addition of silicon manganese to steel: Both silicon and manganese have an important influence on the properties of steel 硅锰合金(SiMn)是由硅、锰、铁、少量碳等元素组成的块状材料,表面呈银白色金属光泽。硅锰在钢中添加的影响:硅和锰对钢的性能都有重要影响,取决于添加量和与其他合金元素的综合作用。根据硅、锰含量可分为FeMn68Si18、FeMn64Si16和非标定制产品。Silicon manganese alloy (SiMn)is composed of silicon,manganese,iron,little carbon and some other elements.lt islumpy material with a silvery metallic surface. Effects of the addition of silicomanganese to steel: Both silicon andmanganese have an important influence on the properties of steel, depending on the amount added and thecombined effect with other alloying elements,According to the contenr of silicon and manganese,it can be divide intoFeMn68Si18,FeMn64Si16 and non-standard customized products. 硅锰合金的主要原料是锰矿、富锰渣、硅石、焦炭、石灰等。硅锰合金可在大、中、小型矿石炉中采用连续操作法冶炼。Silicon manganese alloy main raw material are manganese ore,manganese-rich slag,silica,coke,lime,ect.Si-mn alloy canbe smelted by continuous operation in large, medium and small ore furnaces. 它是锰和硅的一种经济有效的混合物,通常是钢铁制造商的优选产品。它用于所有钢铁产品,在 200 系列不锈钢、合金钢和锰钢中的用量较大。It is a cost- effective blend of manganese and silicon and is normally the product of choice for steel manufacturers. ltis consumed in all steel products and used in higher quantities in 200 series stainless steel, alloy steel and manganesesteel. 硅锰合金是由锰、硅、铁及少量碳等元素组成的合金。用途广泛,产量高。其消耗量在电炉铁合金产品中居第二位。硅锰在钢中用作脱氧剂和合金元素。Silicon-manganese alloy is an alloy composed of Mn,Si, iron and a small amount of carbon and other elements. Wide use, high output. Its consumption ranks second in electric furnace ferroalloy products. Silicon Manganese is used as a deoxidizer and an alloying element in steel.硅锰是由锰、硅、铁及少量碳等元素组成的合金,是一种用途广泛、产量很大的铁合金,在电炉用铁合金产品用量中居第二位。Silicon manganese is an alloy composed of manganese, silicon, iron and a small amount of carbon and other elements. It is a kind of ferroalloy with a wide range of uses and large output, and it ranks second in the amount of ferroalloy products for electric furnace.锰硅合金中的锰和硅都与氧有很强的亲和力,锰硅合金用于炼钢时,脱氧产物MnSiO3和Mn2SiO4的熔点分别为1270℃和1327℃,具有熔点低、颗粒大、易上浮、脱氧效果好等优点。Both manganese and silicon in the Mn-Si alloy have a strong affinity with oxygen. When manganese-silicon alloy is used in steelmaking, the melting points of the deoxidized products MnSiO3 and Mn2SiO4 are 1270℃ and 1327℃, respectively, which have low melting point, large particles, and easy to float , good deoxidation effect and other advantages.在同样条件下,单独用锰或硅脱氧,烧损率分别为46%和37%,用锰硅合金脱氧,两者的烧损率均为29%。Under the same conditions, when manganese or silicon is used alone for deoxidation, the burning loss rates are 46% and 37%, respectively, while for manganese-silicon alloy deoxidation, the burning loss rates of both are 29%. 产品应用 钢厂生产中常用硅锰合金。硅锰合金中的Mn、Si对氧有很强的亲和力,其脱氧产物MnSiO3、Mn2SiO4的熔点分别为1270℃、1327℃,具有熔点低、颗粒大、易上浮、脱氧效果好等优点。在同等条件下,单独用Mn或Si脱氧,烧损率分别为46%、37%。用硅锰合金脱氧,二者烧损率仅为29%。因此,在炼钢中得到广泛应用。硅锰产量的增长速度高于铁合金的平均增长速度,也高于钢的增长速度,已成为钢铁工业中不可缺少的复合脱氧剂和合金添加剂。SiMn is often used in steel mill production. The Mn and Si in the silicon-manganese alloy have a strong affinity for oxygen.  The melting points of the deoxidized products MnSiO3 and Mn2SiO4 are 1270℃ and 1327℃, respectively. It has the advantages of low melting point, large particles, easy to float, and good deoxidation effect. Under the same conditions, when Mn or Si is used alone for deoxidation, the burning rate is 46% and 37%, respectively. With Silicon-manganese alloy deoxidation, the burning loss rate of the two is only 29%. Therefore, it has been widely used in steelmaking. The growth rate of SiMn output is higher than the average growth rate of ferroalloys and higher than that of steel. It has become an indispensable composite deoxidizer and alloy additive in the steel industry. 1.硅锰合金主要用作钢铁生产中脱氧剂、合金剂的中间材料,也是生产中、低碳锰铁的主要原料。Silicon manganese alloy is mainly used as an intermediate material for deoxidizer and alloying agent in iron and steel production, and is also the main raw material for the production of medium and low carbon ferromanganese.2.硅锰合金是由锰、硅、铁及少量碳等元素组成的合金,是一种用途广泛、产量很大的铁合金。Silicon manganese alloy is an alloy composed of manganese, silicon, iron and a small amount of carbon and other elements. It is an iron alloy with a wide range of uses and a large output.3.利用硅锰合金生产的脱氧产物熔点低、颗粒大、易上浮,脱氧效果好。The deoxidation products produced by the silicon manganese alloy have the advantages of low melting point, large particles, easy floating, and good deoxidation effect.4.含碳量低于1.9%的硅锰合金也是生产低碳锰铁和电解金属锰的半成品。Silicon manganese alloys with a carbon content of less than 1.9% are also semi-finished products for the production of low carbon ferro manganese and electrolytic Manganese metal.5.用于铝合金制品:铝合金中添加金属硅,可提高铝合金的强度,增加其抗氧化、腐蚀性能,降低其密度和热膨胀系数,改善其铸造性能,从而具有更高的抗冲击性能和抗压性能。For aluminum alloy products: adding silicon metal to aluminum alloy to improve its strength, increase its oxidation and corrosion resistance, reduce its density and thermal expansion coefficient, improve its casting performance, leading to higher impact resistance and pressure resistance.6.对于冷轧硅钢产品:在钢中添加金属硅,可大大改善其磁性能,提高其磁导率,减少磁滞和涡流损耗。For cold-rolled silicon steel products: Adding silicon metal to steel can greatly improve its magnetic properties, increase its permeability, and reduce hysteresis and eddy current loss.7.对于高纯度半导体产品:由于硅的熔点高、热稳定性好、禁带宽度大、资源丰富,随着技术的不断提高,用硅半导体制成的集成电路、大规模集成电路已被应用于各个领域,需求量逐年增加。For high-purity semiconductor products: Due to the high melting point of silicon, good thermal stability, large band gap, and abundant resources, with the continuous improvement of technology, integrated circuits and large-scale integrated circuits made of silicon semiconductors have been used in various fields, with increasing demand year by year.8.对于有机硅制品:有机硅、硅树脂、硅油在700℃以上至2000℃范围内保持柔韧性,可用于高温垫片、保冷材料。硅树脂:用于生产绝缘漆,加热温度为180-2000℃,也可用于生产耐高温涂料。硅油:用于生产润滑剂、抛光剂、流体弹簧、介电液,也可加工成无色透明液体,喷洒在建筑物上,用于防水。金属硅在有机硅工业中的应用有比在铝合金工业中更广泛的趋势。For organic silicone products: organic silicone, silicone resin, and silicone oil maintain flexibility in the range of more than 700°C to 2000°C, and can be used for high-temperature gaskets and cold-preservation materials. Silicone resin: it is used in the production of insulating varnish, with the heating temperature of 180-2000°C, and can also be used in the production of high-temperature resistant coatings. Silicone oil: it is used in the production of high-grade lubricants, polishing agents, fluid springs, and dielectric fluids. It can also be processed into colorless transparent liquids and sprayed on buildings for waterproofing. Silicon metal has a tendency to be more widely used in the organic silicon industry than in the aluminum alloy industry.9.耐热材料制品:用于生产耐热、耐磨、耐腐蚀的Si3N4,防止涂装材料氧化,在钢铁表面渗硅,可提高钢铁的耐腐蚀性能。For heat-resistant material products: it is used for the production of Si3N4, which is heat-resistant, wear-resistant, and corrosion-resistant, preventing coating materials from oxidation. Siliconizing steel surface can improve the corrosion resistance of steel.10. 硅锰合金在炼钢中主要起合金剂、复合脱氧剂、脱硫剂的作用。Silicon manganese alloy is main function for the steel-making is alloying agent, compound deoxidizer, desulfurizer11. 可改善铸件的物理性能和机械性能,增强强度和耐磨性能lt can be inprove the casting physical performance and mechanical capacity,strengthen the intensity and wear-resisting property.12. 作为生产中、低碳锰铁及电硅热法生产金属锰的还原剂lt is a reducing agent for producing medium and low carbon ferro manganese and producing metal manganese by electric silicon thermal method. Packaging: 1 Ton Jumbo Bag类型元素含量%锰%Si%C(max)%P(max)%Sulur硫(max)ABCFeMn64Si2760.0-67.025.0- 0.150.25 0.04FeMn67Si2363.0-70.022.0- 0.150.25 0.04FeMn68Si2265.0-72.020.0- 0.150.25 0.04FeMn64Si2360.0-67.020.0- 0.150.25 0.04FeMn68Si1865.0-72.017.0- 0.150.25 0.04FeMn64Si1860.0-67.017.0- 0.150.25 0.04FeMn68Si1665.0-72.014.0- 0.150.25 0.04FeMn64Si1660.0-67.014.0- 0.250.30 0.05


Silicon manganese alloy (SiMn)is composed of silicon,manganese,iron,little carbon and some other elements. lt is lumpy material with a silvery metallic surface. Effects of the addition of silicon manganese to steel: Both silicon and manganese have an important influence on the properties of steel




Silicon manganese alloy (SiMn)is composed of silicon,manganese,iron,little carbon and some other elements.lt islumpy material with a silvery metallic surface. Effects of the addition of silicomanganese to steel: Both silicon andmanganese have an important influence on the properties of steel, depending on the amount added and thecombined effect with other alloying elements,According to the contenr of silicon and manganese,it can be divide intoFeMn68Si18,FeMn64Si16 and non-standard customized products.



Silicon manganese alloy main raw material are manganese ore,manganese-rich slag,silica,coke,lime,ect.Si-mn alloy canbe smelted by continuous operation in large, medium and small ore furnaces.


它是锰和硅的一种经济有效的混合物,通常是钢铁制造商的优选产品。它用于所有钢铁产品,在 200 系列不锈钢、合金钢和锰钢中的用量较大。

It is a cost- effective blend of manganese and silicon and is normally the product of choice for steel manufacturers. ltis consumed in all steel products and used in higher quantities in 200 series stainless steel, alloy steel and manganesesteel.



Silicon-manganese alloy is an alloy composed of Mn,Si, iron and a small amount of carbon and other elements. Wide use, high output. Its consumption ranks second in electric furnace ferroalloy products. Silicon Manganese is used as a deoxidizer and an alloying element in steel.


Silicon manganese is an alloy composed of manganese, silicon, iron and a small amount of carbon and other elements. It is a kind of ferroalloy with a wide range of uses and large output, and it ranks second in the amount of ferroalloy products for electric furnace.


Both manganese and silicon in the Mn-Si alloy have a strong affinity with oxygen. When manganese-silicon alloy is used in steelmaking, the melting points of the deoxidized products MnSiO3 and Mn2SiO4 are 1270℃ and 1327℃, respectively, which have low melting point, large particles, and easy to float , good deoxidation effect and other advantages.


Under the same conditions, when manganese or silicon is used alone for deoxidation, the burning loss rates are 46% and 37%, respectively, while for manganese-silicon alloy deoxidation, the burning loss rates of both are 29%.





SiMn is often used in steel mill production. The Mn and Si in the silicon-manganese alloy have a strong affinity for oxygen.  The melting points of the deoxidized products MnSiO3 and Mn2SiO4 are 1270℃ and 1327℃, respectively. It has the advantages of low melting point, large particles, easy to float, and good deoxidation effect. Under the same conditions, when Mn or Si is used alone for deoxidation, the burning rate is 46% and 37%, respectively. With Silicon-manganese alloy deoxidation, the burning loss rate of the two is only 29%. Therefore, it has been widely used in steelmaking. The growth rate of SiMn output is higher than the average growth rate of ferroalloys and higher than that of steel. It has become an indispensable composite deoxidizer and alloy additive in the steel industry.



Silicon manganese alloy is mainly used as an intermediate material for deoxidizer and alloying agent in iron and steel production, and is also the main raw material for the production of medium and low carbon ferromanganese.


Silicon manganese alloy is an alloy composed of manganese, silicon, iron and a small amount of carbon and other elements. It is an iron alloy with a wide range of uses and a large output.


The deoxidation products produced by the silicon manganese alloy have the advantages of low melting point, large particles, easy floating, and good deoxidation effect.


Silicon manganese alloys with a carbon content of less than 1.9% are also semi-finished products for the production of low carbon ferro manganese and electrolytic Manganese metal.


For aluminum alloy products: adding silicon metal to aluminum alloy to improve its strength, increase its oxidation and corrosion resistance, reduce its density and thermal expansion coefficient, improve its casting performance, leading to higher impact resistance and pressure resistance.


For cold-rolled silicon steel products: Adding silicon metal to steel can greatly improve its magnetic properties, increase its permeability, and reduce hysteresis and eddy current loss.


For high-purity semiconductor products: Due to the high melting point of silicon, good thermal stability, large band gap, and abundant resources, with the continuous improvement of technology, integrated circuits and large-scale integrated circuits made of silicon semiconductors have been used in various fields, with increasing demand year by year.


For organic silicone products: organic silicone, silicone resin, and silicone oil maintain flexibility in the range of more than 700°C to 2000°C, and can be used for high-temperature gaskets and cold-preservation materials. Silicone resin: it is used in the production of insulating varnish, with the heating temperature of 180-2000°C, and can also be used in the production of high-temperature resistant coatings. Silicone oil: it is used in the production of high-grade lubricants, polishing agents, fluid springs, and dielectric fluids. It can also be processed into colorless transparent liquids and sprayed on buildings for waterproofing. Silicon metal has a tendency to be more widely used in the organic silicon industry than in the aluminum alloy industry.


For heat-resistant material products: it is used for the production of Si3N4, which is heat-resistant, wear-resistant, and corrosion-resistant, preventing coating materials from oxidation. Siliconizing steel surface can improve the corrosion resistance of steel.

10. 硅锰合金在炼钢中主要起合金剂、复合脱氧剂、脱硫剂的作用。

Silicon manganese alloy is main function for the steel-making is alloying agent, compound deoxidizer, desulfurizer

11. 可改善铸件的物理性能和机械性能,增强强度和耐磨性能

lt can be inprove the casting physical performance and mechanical capacity,strengthen the intensity and wear-resisting property.

12. 作为生产中、低碳锰铁及电硅热法生产金属锰的还原剂

lt is a reducing agent for producing medium and low carbon ferro manganese and producing metal manganese by electric silicon thermal method.


Packaging: 1 Ton Jumbo Bag

FeMn64Si2760.0-67.025.0- 0.150.25 0.04
FeMn67Si2363.0-70.022.0- 0.150.25 0.04
FeMn68Si2265.0-72.020.0- 0.150.25 0.04
FeMn64Si2360.0-67.020.0- 0.150.25 0.04
FeMn68Si1865.0-72.017.0- 0.150.25 0.04
FeMn64Si1860.0-67.017.0- 0.150.25 0.04
FeMn68Si1665.0-72.014.0- 0.150.25 0.04
FeMn64Si1660.0-67.014.0- 0.250.30 0.05
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